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How to choose a hotel in Forte dei Marmi

One of the main criteria when choosing a hotel is, firstly, your budget. The easiest way to make the right choice is to use this search tool: look for a hotel in Forte dei Marmi and enter what is important to you (for example, the star rating).

The most expensive hotels are located on the waterfront, whereas the cheapest options are located behind them. These cheap hotels are very popular with tourists because of the lower cost, and for many tourists it is not a problem to walk 20 meters more to get to the beach; instead of admiring the view from the room, it’s better to do that while relaxing on the beach.

Some hotels include a spot on the beach, but they cost a bit more, so think about what is more important: paying a little more for a hotel room with the beach included or paying less for the room but another 40-50 euros a day for the beach.

Hotel in Forte dei Marmi

Likely to sell out

Rated 4.5 stars out of 5

3745 Reviews

Price starting at 39 €

Principe Forte Dei Marmi


Rated 5 stars out of 5

107 Reviews

Price starting at 110 €

Hotel Pigalle

Likely to sell out

Rated 5 stars out of 5

492 Reviews

Price starting at 179 €

Text printed from website www.infortedeimarmi.com